I get this question almost everywhere I go nowadays. I wonder jugak apa bezanya diet dulu dan sekarang. Actually semasa dalam akademi dulu, Aizat yang paling sikit makan ( walaupun dlm diari I was potrayed otherwise) sebab takut berat badan akan menganggu penafasan untuk menyanyi. Aizat turunlah sikit but not ketara. So apa beza dengan sekarang? One thing for sure - DIET IS NOT EVERYTHING IN LOSING WEIGHT!! Maknanya makan, jangan tak makan. Two things yang Aizat avoid, Fizzy drinks and Rice (seminggu sekali je). Makan pulak ada timing - every 4 jam, makan small portions. Dengan diet is of course the WORKOUT/EXERCISE - 30 minit EVERYDAY!! Mentally, I tell myself I need to burn the calories I ate today. eg. 30 minutes of brisk walking will burn at least 200 calories. So what's new?? At the end of the day, I think the most important factor is our MINDSET! Apa yang really buat Aizat tekad was the fact that I lost 3 kgs in the first week selepas ikut diet/exercise diatas. Wow! It really inspired me. Kalau boleh turun 3 kg seminggu kali 8 minggu = 24 kg. and the rest is history! So kalau Aizat boleh, anyone can do it. Try it!